Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Potty Training Wars

Here she is the potty girl! This is another meltdown that has occured today but had to snap as it is a half on/off chair pic. Mind you she just got a quick bath after taking her cloth diaper off and having another accident. Then she says I have to go potty so she went to the chair after I said let's go on the big girl potty.

Why am I feeling like my 2 yr. daughter is somehow at a war with the potty? She detests it and does not want anything to do with it other then sitting on it with her big sisters big girl underwares.
I read and re-read the potty book although the potty in the book looks like a drinking pitcher and the way were going right now I don't want to give her ideas on peeing in places other then the potty.
Here's a rundown on toilet training my children. Well my 14 yr. old was already potty trained at age 4 yrs. when I met my husband and him, yet had the evening wets which I dealt with pretty well. My first born now 6 yr. old daughter had a few accidents but eventually learned to be at peace with the potty. Now my now 4 yr. old he had a musical potty and it scared him so much that I took the batteries out and on he went. Now this little sweet girl-ey-o of mine just does not want to be free of her disposables, and cloth diapers just yet. I hear ya honey loud and clear! Please give me a sign when you will be ok with your potty.
I have a trick today up my sleeve that I thought of. I will take another picture of this great trial that maybe you are going through or have went through yourself as a momma with your little tyke, or tykers
I am open for advice for that and.....
skin pinching (2 yr. old)
ear playing (4 yr. old)
Blessings~ Renee Nay


Dianna said...

My little Red Chief is deathly afraid of the potty and won't go anywhere near it.

Of course I've never done this before, but I've decided to just wait until he wants to. He put up a fight about sleeping in a big bed until one day he decided he wanted to, and it was so easy after that! I'm hoping something similar will happen with potty training in the next year or so. If he passes three and still isn't interested . . . well, then we'll see what to do.

Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Can't help to much. I am sure it will work out! The wonderful patience we need!!